Sunrise Farms New Website is Up and Running

Sunrise Farms New Website is Up and Running

Gearing up for the 2021 Season!

Hello Everyone! We are excited to say that we have a new website up and running! A huge shout out to Montague Webworks for all the help to get our ideas out on the web! What a way to start out the 2021 season!!!

On our website we have a calendar page which will have all our important dates including all Farmers Market dates, times, and locations as well as other important events! Check out the News and Videos to keep up to date with news on Sunrise Farms and to see all out articles about the farm. Wanting to know how to get some of our Maple Products? Head on over to our Product page for a link to our online store and a brief description of all our Maple Products! When the snow melts away, stop on by and take a hike on our Sunrise Farms Hiking Trail that connects to Burnt Hill - Catamount Hiking Trail! More on the trail maps to come shortly!

Tapping is soon to start and we can not wait to get started! In years past we have already had a few boils under our belt, but this year it’s seeming to be a more traditional maple season. As everyone knows from last year, we are running our new electric EcoVap evaporator and this year we are adding another new piece of maple technology to our line up! We are in the process of installing Dominion and Grimm monitoring system into our sugar bush. This new set up will help us monitor our sugar bush with vacuum levels, temperatures and even tank levels. The vacuum monitors will allow us to remotely monitor the vacuum levels at each mainline. Each monitor sensor will also allow us to read the ambient temperature in the sugar bush. This means more time in the sugar house boiling sap and less time fixing leaks. More to this to come!

As always we have our online store open for pick up at the farm, markers markets or at our Greenfield location. Shipping is available, call for details! If you're interested in boiling times or a tour of our sugar house, please call for times and appointments. Neet to reach out to us? Fill out our Contact page with any information you might need! Be a local Hero and buy local grown! And as always, from all of us at Sunrise Farms, be safe and thank you for supporting a local farmer!